Sunday, 29 January 2012

ACTA, SOPA and the likes

So everybody's acting up about the new anti-piracy laws that are coming up. Restricts freedom of speech they say. That maybe true, but nobody ever looks at the flip side.

On one hand, the passing of such a law would make every image copying illegal, every small digital footstep would have to be taken with caution. But thats mainly because of the wording of the law.

What about the principles?

A lot of people find that paying for music or movies or games or software is too expensive. So they decide to 'share'. Most of the people against piracy laws feel that artists and copyright owners already make so much money by selling original stuffs to so many people, so what difference does a few dollars make?

What people don't realize is that if governments allow these acts to continue without trying to stop them, then slowly everyone will decide to become a pirate, and nobody would buy original things. This would hurt copywriters as well, as there would be little revenue/incentive for producing new work and thus creativity would reduce. Its like parking tickets. Governments and local city councils keep these laws to ensure order in society. Otherwise we would all become savage beasts.

However, this does not mean that I am 100% for anti-piracy laws. Some things must be pirated from online because the original discs are too expensive or are not even available. Some of them are not available at all, while some are not available in certain geographic locations. Some software, for example, is downloaded thru file sharing because they have been unheard of and so people want to try them out.

What would be a better solution to curb piracy? In my opinion I think that after few years (5 or so years) the  movie, software or whatever should be made available online. This is so that people can still legally download them in case they are not available (like some old movies). Also, there should be pay per download file sharing everywhere in the world. Currently these are available in the west, and even in the east but not in all countries. This encourages piracy. And these payments should be made cheap because by using the web, the producers/owners cost of distribution and selling has gone lower, and these savings should be passed on :)

I think that this compromise would be in the best interest for everyone. The anti-pirates and the freedom of speech and democracy supporters :)



Sunday, 22 January 2012

Year of the Dragon

Heyy peeps Just a quick post to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year. May the new year bring you joy and prosperity. On a side note, when I was a kid they used to show this cartoon series, Double Dragon. I feel the theme of this cartoon is very much prevalent to this year. So here you go :p

May the year of the dragon come with courage and strength to overcome all fear. And may third year students celebrate the new year but yet manage to finish their assignments.

Don't forget to leave me some ang pao for wishing you all :p


Thursday, 19 January 2012

"The Textbook. Reinvented Ipad"

Are you tired of reading notes that is stagnant from the textbooks?

Are you tired to carry those heavy textbooks to School/College/ University EVERYDAY?

Are you tired of reading those notes in the textbook that are so mundane and less interactive?

Not to worry anymore!!! Your problem can be solved now with the new reinvented Ipad called the ibook.

ibook in your ipad is a genius way to make textbook revived and making learning so much fun to learn now.
Apple have done it again to revolutionize the education way for Gen-Y students where Gen-Y like you and me exposed to technology everyday, exposed to interactive media's and graphic and many more.
Apple have made ibook so innovative that the graphics and pictures come's alive.

It make education so much fun to learn now for us.

watch this video documented by Apple on ibook

Currently, major universities in US, UK and Australia have started to implement this idea in their education system. It will take time till this idea arrive to universities in Malaysia.

So, reach out to everyone and enjoy the video!

** in memory of Steve Job - 1955-2011**

Aaron Lee
VP. of Finance

Monday, 16 January 2012

Life After College

Came across this info-graphic and thought it would be good to share it. 

College can be some of the best years of your life, but what happens after graduation? With the tough economy, increased costs of living and outsourcing of jobs, what’s a recent graduate to do?

Follow through the post-college roadmap below as a guide for your future decision making.Whether you live at home, are job hunting or not sure what to do with your life, it may be a good idea to start brainstorming and planning your future.


Chee Kong

Saturday, 14 January 2012

The Story of Stuffs

A friend of mine shared this video with me. I felt it to be extremely important to share it with you. The Story of Stuffs. Where it comes. Where it goes. And who it affects. Most of the time its us living in the third world, our resources are plundered, our water becomes undrinkable, our landfills become full and our environment becomes unlivable. Consumption may be the heart of our economy, but responsible consumption is the way forward.


Friday, 13 January 2012

Coffee for all

We should all play a part of making people with disabilities part of our community and social environment. Not only the disabled, but also the underprivileged. We shouldn't shun them away just because they are 'special'. After all, they didn't choose to be created the way they are.

Here at SIFE, we want to help these kinds of people. Help them develop a set of skills so that they can become independent. To live life like a normal person would. If you know of any such person or organization that you think we should be linked up with, do let us know.

Be it helping them enhance their existing business, or setting up a new one. Or even if it is just helping them develop a skill, SIFE Taylor's wants to be with them ALL the way. 

Check this coffee shop out: DIB Coffees of Hawaii Cafe.  This coffee franchise employs deaf people to give them a chance to live normally. They are located at: 11-A, Jalan PJU 8/5A, Bandar Damansara Perdana 47820, Petaling JayaHead on out there one day to try to taste their dishes, i'm hoping to go there once I have the chance. These guys were featured in The Star and Deaf Boleh Malaysia

Check them out and let us know the juicy details [of the food, of course] ;)


[NOTE: This is NOT a SIFE Taylor's project, I am merely pointing out how deaf people can be empowered :)]

PS. Happy Friday the Thirteenth

Thursday, 12 January 2012

$344m Richer?

So I'm not sure if you heard, but Apple's new CEO just received almost $344m in compensation. this is almost entirely composed of stock options.

Outrageous for just a few months of work. Right?

Maybe not.

What headlines don't tell you is how stock options work. Basically these options have a time limit after how many days/months/years they can be exercised. This entices managers to work hard so that shareholder's wealth and share price goes up. This causes an elimination of the Agency Problem, as managers would work in favor of increasing share price.

In addition, Cook's stock options don't become valid until 5-10 years. A simple average shows that the average yearly compensation is $37m. It may seem a lot, but I guess that may be acceptable compared to the market cap of Apple.

What I don't sympathize is that while the big bosses make the big bucks, the employees and the small fishes at Apple make extremely little. I guess that's the rationale of many of the Occupy Protesters.

Do you think this gap between employee compensation and manager/director compensation should be narrowed? Hmm.

Anyway, We're done with exams today. Although the battle is over, the war has not been won YET. Soon. Very soon. It shall all be over. We would have graduated by mid-year (most of us anyway). Good luck to us with the uphill struggle.


- Mazaher

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

“Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime”

Learn, inspire and teach, that is what SIFE is all about.

SIFE students (SIFERs) form SIFE teams to engage with local underprivileged and in-need communities through community outreach projects aimed at improving quality of life and standards of living of the communities. The implementation of these community projects emphasizes the outcomes and impacts on the triple bottom line i.e. Social, Economic, and Environmental for the communities.

By using business concepts they are learning in the classroom to help others, SIFERs develop stronger business and leadership skills, and a sense of service and responsibility to the community and the world around them. These community outreach projects provide unparalleled opportunities for SIFERs to emerge as leaders who understand the opportunity for business to make a positive, social and environmental impact. This is undoubtedly the reason so many top organizations identify SIFE as a leading source of socially responsible business talents.

Currently, SIFE Malaysia is supported by corporate partners like Khazanah Nasional Berhad, KPMG, CIMB Foundation, Chartis Insurance Malaysia, TM Berhad and few others. Therefore, together, let's improve the lives of others through SIFE!



Saturday, 7 January 2012

Our Deepest Fear..

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." (A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles", Harper Collins, 1992. From Chapter 7, Section 3])

Go out and seek the world, for it is yours for the taking [This one is from me :p]

Some motivation for all of us facing finals/exams/assignments e

Cheers and Good luck


Friday, 6 January 2012

Special Meeting For SIFE

Last Friday, our SIFE Taylor Uni had a special meeting. We had invited two SIFE Malaysia members to join our board meeting. Although we only held one hour meeting with them, it already sufficient to us. As we got a lots information about SIFE . SIFE Malaysia members are really helpful and friendly. They have prepared  us  the guide books, sample of annual report and some example of activities done by other SIFE members. All these material are consider extra gift for us as we do not expect SIFE Malaysia will provide all this useful materials. Nonetheless, they have helped us a lots by answering our questions. As such, I am here to represent the SIFE Taylor's Uni to say thank you for the SIFE Malaysia, as we are really appreciate for your support.
Anyway I have a good news for SIFE members !!! We have a chance to join the World Cup SIFE which held in Washington DC (i think). But of cause, in one condition, we must have a good proposal in order to be selected from the national competition. However, I believe our SIFE Taylor's Uni will able to do it as long as we got your supports !!! So SIFE members, let's aim for the World Cup SIFE ......

Herewith the pictures on last Friday....
(specially thanks for Taha's camera and the photographers, Taha and me!! ^^)

 Welcome to the SIFE Taylor's Uni Board Meeting !!

Our meeting room ... Thanks to Ren Zi for the technical control ^^ 

Thanks to Aaron, Ren Zi, Melvin and Taha for the early preparation!! Give them a big applause ^^

 Our special guest from the SIFE Malaysia ^^

A special meeting for the SIFE Taylor's uni. Thanks for Sow Yeng for the meeting agenda preparation ^^

Our Special Guests !!!!

 Presentation given by SIFE Malaysia

 This is SIFE mission... Have you guys remember our SIFE Taylor's Uni vision and mission?

A special gift from us!!! Thanks you SIFE Malaysia for your supports !!

Thanks for the gift given by SIFE Malaysia.
 I wish to get the silver thermal bottle!!!!
 It looks nice right?
Last but not least.... 

Group picture with SIFE Malaysia members

Here is updates for the meeting. I wish everyone Happy 2012, though a bit late ^^ haha. Besides that, I wish Uwe students all the best for the assessment!!
Stay Tunes for more updates ...

Racheal ^^

Thursday, 5 January 2012

New Year’s Resolutions

Some helpful tips to keep true to your resolution(s) this year: set realistic goals, start with small steps, pick just one resolution, and set intermediate milestones. Enjoy this infographic and don’t forget to share!

Click to enlarge

Cheers and Happy 2012,
Chee Kong

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

So I was just going thru our secret group of SIFE Taylor's pioneers and I saw this photo. This was one of the first photos taken, and it was taken  on 11/11/11 at around 11.11am. I remember this because we had our CRTP lecture cancelled so we pulled the meeting earlier. See me? I'm the guy in the white shirt, leaning back on the chair, sitting like a BOSS :)

Anyway, main reason for writing this is to wish our audience a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

I know its kind of late, but I've been busy with assignments. My brother and I wanted to go to Genting or Singapore for new years, but instead we spent it at home - doing assignments.

Life's unfair. Lecturers having fun over the holiday season while forcing their students to study/do assignments for submissions just after the new year.

Oh well.

SIFE updates - We had SIFE Malaysia to come visit us during the last meeting (which was last Friday). Pictures will be coming soon - the negatives have been sent for processing. LOL
