Thursday, 19 January 2012

"The Textbook. Reinvented Ipad"

Are you tired of reading notes that is stagnant from the textbooks?

Are you tired to carry those heavy textbooks to School/College/ University EVERYDAY?

Are you tired of reading those notes in the textbook that are so mundane and less interactive?

Not to worry anymore!!! Your problem can be solved now with the new reinvented Ipad called the ibook.

ibook in your ipad is a genius way to make textbook revived and making learning so much fun to learn now.
Apple have done it again to revolutionize the education way for Gen-Y students where Gen-Y like you and me exposed to technology everyday, exposed to interactive media's and graphic and many more.
Apple have made ibook so innovative that the graphics and pictures come's alive.

It make education so much fun to learn now for us.

watch this video documented by Apple on ibook

Currently, major universities in US, UK and Australia have started to implement this idea in their education system. It will take time till this idea arrive to universities in Malaysia.

So, reach out to everyone and enjoy the video!

** in memory of Steve Job - 1955-2011**

Aaron Lee
VP. of Finance

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