Hey there guys n gals,
I know its been awhile since I last updated this blog (or that anyone updated this blog) but the sad reason for this is I had a MAJOR assignment due today, a final year dissertation project. The assignment was so thick, around twice the size of my laptop thickness, and must have been around 150-200 pages long.
Anyway, this video was something that was shown to us for our assignment because we had to evaluate the relevance n reliability (R&R) of information sources. Most of you might think that what is this? Is it really relevant to SIFE?
Well I think it is because false information, or relying everything you read on the web can be dangerous because we don't know who wrote that.
Consider the article I posted up a few days ago on our Face book page, regarding McDonalds and ethics. I personally just shared it because it might/might not be true, but still is a source of information. However, when deciding that you should or should not boycott mcdonalds, or write to the managers, you might want to do more research, and do more evaluation to test the R&R.
Anyway, hope this posts finds you in the best of health.
BTW Happy 29th Feb - Comes once in four years, most of us would've already graduated by then and already start working. This is the best time to make a four year medium term goal, such as to finish your professional qualification and be a certified professional, or to travel Europe, or own your own house and car.
These goals that are not too long term based, and not too short term based. Goals that cannot be achieved in less than an year, but can be achieved in a few years time.
Happy Goal Keeping
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